Books, Books, Books: A New Installment of Give-Aways

Okay, so if you’ve been following my blog for the last year’ish or so, you might remember that I did a monthly “Do-Good-Give-Away” and a monthly “Shoppe-Talk-Give-Away” for an entire year. And I thought it was really fun and rather enjoyable (and hopefully you thought so, too), but I wanted to change things up a bit because honestly, I get easily bored with the same-old thing over and over and over. Which probably explains why I never cook the same recipe twice or re-watch the same movie more than once…but probably doesn’t explain why I’ve had the same hair style since 2005 and am still rockin’ my 2002 hoodie. Oh, well…I digress.

So, I’ve spent the past three months mulling (off and on, folks; I promise I’ve lived a little since I started the mulling) over a new direction for my give-away’s for this next year. And after three months of mulling like wine cider (oops, Freudian slip), here’s what I’ve decided.

Each month, I am going to give away BOOKS…all kinds of BOOKS!!!

Yes, that’s ALL I came up with–“THREE MONTHS! THREE MONTHS,”I say!!! And this, right here, is exactly why I’m not the leader of a big, important company or the President of the United States (I know, I know…you were slightly convinced that I had it in me).

Okay, back to my original point (no more parenthetical inserts), I am going to give away the thing I love.

BOOKS, BOOKS, and more BOOKS!!!

Seriously, I can barely contain my excitement but if I get too excited, the kids will come over and remember I’ve had more than two minutes of peace and quiet and ruin it all!


So, without further book antics, let me introduce you to the first book I am giving away in this new installment of give-away’s that I will be calling, “Books, Books, Books!” 

(Don’t judge; I’m a tired mom who is lacking the desire to channel my creative juices, and it’s the best I’ve got right now.)

(I lied. There indeed were more parenthetical inserts.)

Ai yi yi…

So what book am I giving away this month? 

I am giving away two copies of God Made All of Me: A Book to Help Children Protect Their Bodies by Justin S. Holcomb and Lindsey A. Holcomb.

And why am I giving away this book? 

Two reasons.

One: I am passionate about protecting and educating our children.

Two: I am passionate about PARENTS being the ones who initiate godly, honest conversations with their children about the difficult topics of life…especially about topics regarding sex and sexuality.

And what are a few of my favorite line(s) from this book? 

“God made every part of your body, and every part of your body is good. Some parts of your body are not for sharing though…”

“You are in charge of your body…”

“Surprise are fun and make people happy. Secrets are different from surprises. Secrets are not nice; they can make people feel confused or sad…”

So how can you win a copy of this book? 

In the comment section below, share something on your “Thankful List” this year and on Friday at 4PM (EST), I will randomly select two winners to enjoy a copy of this amazing book.

Oh, and if you don’t win, don’t let that stop you from buying your own copy! Truly, it’s really that good.







25 thoughts on “Books, Books, Books: A New Installment of Give-Aways

  1. Love this– thanks so much for sharing this resource (a first thanks!). And if I don’t “win,” I will certainly get a copy, especially as I work in the area of violence risk and work with people who are abused (either through work or home – IPV). Knowing and building boundaries with your body (and mind) STARTS with children knowing their value and builds protective factors in.

    What I am really thankful for is my faith and trust in God. I know that sounds very cliché and simple, but in transparency, that hasn’t been very easy for me over my lifetime. It’s much easier to say you have faith and trust in God and something else to actually *have* it. With all the things I’ve experienced, with what I work with, being a parent, marriage, friendships, and witnessing all that goes on in the world, I am THANKFUL for my relationship with God and for who He is— because without that, I really just don’t know….


  2. I am most thankful that I am the daughter of a king!! When the devil is at my heels and I am begin to doubt my abilities, I am thankful for my father.

  3. It’s quite possible that I’m just as excited as you about your choice in direction with giveaways. I’ve already purchased a few at your recommendation and have others waiting on my wishlist. 😉 I’m always up for expanding our library! This year I am most thankful for the health of my family. After a long, roller coaster pregnancy and the quick decision to bring our baby into this world several weeks early, I have been reminded over and over again of God’s grace and mercy. Over the last few weeks many side risks have come to light that have once again shown God’s hand of protection over our little guy as well as myself. Praising Him for these 5 little lives He has entrusted us with, and praying their lives will honor Him.

  4. Jessica, this books sounds great and I will definitely be buying it if I’m not one of the lucky winners. 🙂 I’m thankful for the church community we’ve had here in New Haven these past two years.

  5. In keeping with this book, I am thankful that I had a mother who started having conversations about sex with me before I was old enough to remember them, who continued having conversations about sex with me as I grew and rolled my eyes at her, and who always led those conversations with honesty about her own sexual experiences. I learned early on that sexuality wasn’t shameful, but special. That it was for guarding, not guilting. And that no mistake, wound, or question was taboo within the safety of our home.

  6. I’m thankful for my godly, wise husband…who is infinitely more aware of our boys’ safety and gently, but firmly sets boundaries to protect them. (Don’t include me in the drawing, because we’ve already picked this one up, and I love that you’re blessing others with this great resource!)

  7. I’m so thankful for the Lord meeting all my needs even in the midst of a season full of wants. (Especially on my part recently) I’m also thankful for a beautiful happy daughter and a Godly wonderful hubby who is such a blessing to our lives!!!

  8. I’m thankful for soup. And my dog. And the little things that aren’t anything significant but still point me to gratitude for the good gifts the Lord has provided! Not super deep… But it’s real.

  9. I’m thankful for the sweet little candid moments when I peek around the corner and see my kids snuggling or hear my daughter chattering to herself.

    Also…I peeked through this book on amazon and it looks amazing! Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

  10. I’m thankful for the good health we’ve enjoyed so far this year (this time last year, we’d been sick for weeks on end!), especially with a newborn!

  11. love this and love your creativity! You are so good!

    I find myself oozing (hmm…maybe not the best word choice) with gratefulness when I take showers. When the hot water hits me, I’m reminded of all the basic necessities we have on a daily basis -food, running water, a home, a healthy family, and the list goes on endlessly. So showers not only feel great but my soul is revived at the same time too, as I’m so grateful!

  12. I’m so thankful that this year I was able to transition out of full time work so that I can cherish these early years with my two littles. God has faithfully provided despite our income cut in half, and I’m excited about teaching/training the kiddos…this book would be a blessing and useful resources when we bridge that topic (Lord help me, lol).

  13. I am thankful for all my children (4) and grandchildren (11) and my loving husband. I am especially thankful this year for my retirement so that I can spend more time with all of them.

  14. I love books! I can’t think of a better giveaway! I wish we knew each other better at Cedarville. We are kindred spirits. 😉 I am thankful for this book recommendation because this subject has really been on my heart lately. I need to talk to my kiddos. I will be buying this one! Thanks! I am thankful for God showing me lately specifically
    what a wonderful Friend we have in Jesus.

  15. Ladies, I can’t thank you enough for not only sharing your praises of Thanksgiving (which also draws my attention to those things) but also for your desire to intentionally love your children in and through the BIG topics. Love to you all! Oh, and the winners this month are Holly and Shavon!!

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