My Kids Don’t Need the Mom Down the Street

It’s so easy to turn our heads to the right and left and observe all the strengths and skills of the moms beside and around us–doubting our uniqueness and questioning God’s placement of these souls in our home.

She’s a better multi-tasker than I am.

She does a better job shepherding her children, finding godly curriculum to teach their souls.  

How does she make time for two Bible studies, swimming lessons, book club, and dance classes?!?

She’s a better and more balanced cook than I am. 

She’s more intentional and engaged than I am. 

She is more attuned to her kids’ emotional needs than I am. 

Her house is always clean!

She is WAY more disciplined than I am, providing healthy structure and routine. 

She’s more fun and more spontaneous.

She’s more creative and more sensitive. 

She’s a better listener and more gracious. 

She’s more patient and better at getting to the heart of discipline. 

She is so good at being “okay” with the chaos. 

She works and she manages to do Pinterest projects with the kids?!

On and on it goes.

She’s just MORE than me. 

But you know what I’m realizing?

I’m realizing that God blessed me with these kiddos not because He thinks I’m the best, but because He has BIG PLANS for how He’s going to use ME in their lives and THEM in mine. 

He wants to use my skill sets and my strengths.

He wants to employ my gifts and enhance my experiences.

He wants to grow my weaknesses and fortify my blind spots.

He wants to deepen my trust and increase my neediness.

He wants to shape US through each OTHER…in His strengths, in His timing, and according to His perfect plan.

He didn’t make a “heavenly oops” by sending my kids to me and your kids to you.


Not at all.

He didn’t fall off His throne or mistakenly send them to the wrong womb or an accidental address.


Not at all.

From the very beginning of time, He knew what THEY needed…what YOU needed…what HE needed.

For what?

To fulfill His plan to make MUCH of HIM through broken and needy vessels like US

My kids don’t need the mom down the street and neither do yours; they need US and we need HIM.




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